

#1 认为无禁五子棋没有意义的必看!! 作者:xr__ 发表时间:2006-11-17 8:06:21

1、象QQ上那种简单的无禁五子棋,当然没有意义!26种开局都是先手必胜! 搞个FIVE6或比它强的软件走先手!它来个花、浦、云、寒之类的开局,呵呵!!世上没人能胜它!


Variations And Opening Rules

Black was long known to have a big advantage, even before L. Victor Allis proved that black could force a win (see below). So a number of variations are played with extra rules that aimed to reduce black's advantage.
Free-style gomoku is the basic game as described above.
Standard gomoku requires a row of exactly five stones for a win: rows of six or more, called overlines, do not count.
The rule of three and three bans a move that simultaneously forms two open rows of three stones (rows not blocked by an opponent's stone at either end).
Gomoku+(also called Caro, popular among Vietnamese) the winner must have an unbroken row of five stones and this row must not be blocked at either end. This rule makes Gomoku more flexible and provides more power for White to defend.
The rule of four and four bans a move that simultaneously forms two rows of four stones (open or not).
The Little Golem game server has a "forbidden zone" where black cannot play his second move.

These restrictions are often applied only to black.
Renju is played on a 15×15 board, with the rules of three and three, four and four, and overlines applied to black only. There are special rules for the opening.
Ninuki-renju or Wu is a variant which adds capturing to the game; it was published in the USA in a slightly simplified form under the name Pente.
m,n,k-games are a generalization of gomoku to a board with m×n intersections, and k in a row needed to win.
Connect(m,n,k,p,q) games are another generalization of gomoku to a board with m×n intersections, k in a row needed to win, p stones for each player to place, and q stones for the first player to place for the first move only. Among these games, Connect(m,n,6,2,1) is the most interesting one, and is called Connect6.

The only fair opening rule currently is swap2 based on swap from Renju and first seen on kurnik.org. The first player places 3 stones (2 black 1 white, if black goes first) on the board, the second player has the choice to take black/white or place 2 more stones to change the shape and let the first player choose color. Also this rule brings Gomoku back to an unsolved game, because it has gotten more complicated from even openings.





#2 Re:认为无禁五子棋没有意义的必看!! 作者:xr__ 发表时间:2007-3-11 21:39:18


#3 Re:认为无禁五子棋没有意义的必看!! 作者:连珠木易 发表时间:2007-6-24 16:46:38


    究其本质原因其实又回到了前面提到的一个事实:下五子棋的绝大多数人喜欢下无禁.正是因为绝大多数人在下无禁,而目前无禁太简单几乎没有规则;大多数下无禁的到了一定水平1段以上吧就认识到了先手确实必胜,碰到好多人只下一局先手而且还开花蒲 那样严重打击了他们再向前发展的积极性!这样他们少部分人被迫下专向三手,大部分人就对五子棋丧失了继续上进的信心,灰心失望下渐渐热情降温,只能把五子棋当作简单的消遣娱乐......(这种情况在我以前的棋友中很普遍,他们以前非常非常热爱五子棋但现在很多人都离开了五子棋,回想起来让人真的很痛心很痛心...... )所以不管是水平高的还是普通水平的都觉得五子棋太简单,只是消遣娱乐......那既然我们下五子棋的大多数人都这样认为,也就难怪国人会这样想了.


#4 Re:认为无禁五子棋没有意义的必看!! 作者:xr__ 发表时间:2007-6-24 17:10:11


如何聚集起来!!需要一个规则!! 为此探索了近十年


#5 Re:认为无禁五子棋没有意义的必看!! 作者:yuelee 发表时间:2007-7-7 10:47:45



#6 Re:认为无禁五子棋没有意义的必看!! 作者:五点五子棋 发表时间:2007-7-13 15:58:17


#7 Re:认为无禁五子棋没有意义的必看!! 作者:xr__ 发表时间:2007-7-14 8:35:59

你觉得带着镣铐跳舞是一种乐趣 ,你就跳吧,就象现在的一些青年,衣服上有很多链子,他们觉得很美!