Help needed with Chinese tournament results

International Exchange

#1 Help needed with Chinese tournament results 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-8-25 3:46:29

I would like to ask, where could I get Chinese tournament results? Not just ordinary results but I would like to get the tournament tables in order to calculate international ratings. I will bring an example:
This is a tournament table that I made based on the results of this year's Zhejiang Invitational A group results. 

[ 屏蔽 于 2011-8-26 5:44:29 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]

#2 Re:Help needed with Chinese tournament results 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-8-25 6:34:01

All Chinese tournament results (with tournament table) ? Bad news, you could't, they're not exist yet.

What i mean is they're not as organized as

(maybe i am worng)

[此帖子已被 踵酃 在 2011-8-25 6:46:53 编辑过]

#3 Re:Help needed with Chinese tournament results 作者:屏蔽 发表时间:2011-8-25 8:12:52 could be useful., too.

While the tournament in China was holding, all public results can be found in these website nearly.

But, it's still hard to get all results without the help of tournament staff.

#4 Re:Help needed with Chinese tournament results 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-8-25 9:24:12

Just a thought, why not let Arbise take care of it?

This is interesting,let IWZQ TG helps organize those specific tournament results.

#5 Re:Help needed with Chinese tournament results 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-8-25 9:29:35

Never mind, I just checked

It's exist! lol.

#6 Re:Help needed with Chinese tournament results 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-8-25 17:14:17

Well, the results in ljrenju are just a start. In order to calculate the exact rating for one player, you need to have all the tournament results that he/she has ever participated in (it means that every tournament with the official rules and where the time control was at least 30 minutes, should be calculated). For example: This is my ID, you can see who I played with in all the tournaments I have participated, since the beginning of my career. Right now, a lot of Chinese players have a very high rating in the rating list since it has been calculated including only some of the tournaments (I am not saying that a certain player does not deserve a high rating, I just think if you add all the tournaments, then the result would be different).

#7 Re:Help needed with Chinese tournament results 作者:我是裁判 发表时间:2011-8-26 19:53:07

if you want to know the results of The national team championships\The national championships\The national open and the NMSG ,you may find it in I will give the result on it when the Game finished  .but in this results the player names is in Chinese ,not in English.If you need the results in English you have to wait if I have free time I will translate it in English .

#8 Re:Help needed with Chinese tournament results 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-8-26 20:08:45

I need the tables, not the results. When calculating ratings, it is important to know the result of each game. If there are tables available even in Chinese, it would be good, I can translate the names from Chinese to English by myself. I was just hoping that there is a site or someone has the tables (I have seen some Chinese rating list) so they could send them to me. I know that I can find the results of the most important tournaments from IWZQ. Still, there are probably hundreds of renju tournaments held every year. All these tournaments are important when it comes to calculating RIF rating.