

#1 歪打正着?阴差阳错?大势所趋? 作者:有志青年 发表时间:2008-4-11 13:53:01

Because I was not a checkers player, so I joined the class only on Saturdays. Surprisingly, renju soon became more popular among the students than checkers. As a result, renju games were sometimes played in remaining 2 lessons of the week as well. I do not know if that made the checkers teacher happy or not. However, the process was already unstoppable, because renju started to form a solid social group in Estonia, especially when Ants decided to become a renju teacher in Kullo. Ever since, the renju has become more and more popular, thanks to him. The checkers teacher whom we also owe many thanks, retired from teaching and his main work in the plastic factory some years later and enjoyed retirement days at home instead.

#2 Re:歪打正着?阴差阳错?大势所趋? 作者:有志青年 发表时间:2008-4-11 13:55:34


#3 Re:歪打正着?阴差阳错?大势所趋? 作者:竹子 发表时间:2008-4-11 20:18:39


#4 Re:歪打正着?阴差阳错?大势所趋? 作者:小辉 发表时间:2008-4-12 0:21:22

我喜欢五子棋哦  不太喜欢跳棋