

#1 2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:我是裁判 发表时间:2011-6-7 9:53:43

2011 年全国五子棋公开赛在紧张的气氛中落下了帷幕,应该说,密集的轮次,紧张的用时对所有参赛选手和裁判以及竞赛承办方都是一个严峻的考验。还好,我们顺利的完成了。本人作为本次比赛的参与者想从一些角度谈一点对本次比赛以及部分比赛制度的分析和看法。如有不正确的地方,请大家只当饭后休闲,找个乐吧。





#2 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:堂堂 发表时间:2011-6-7 10:17:51


#3 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:萧何 发表时间:2011-6-7 10:50:06

立体快巴  是什么企业

#4 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:许相公 发表时间:2011-6-7 10:52:45


#5 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:黄药师 发表时间:2011-6-7 12:16:43


#6 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-6-7 14:09:14


#7 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:萧何 发表时间:2011-6-7 18:55:20


比赛的时候(棋的时候)也不可以去外面吸烟吗?什么意思!? : 就是说,从比赛开始,到对局结束,整个过程中禁止吸烟,到外面去也不可以

#8 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:水月 发表时间:2011-6-7 18:59:22


#9 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:我是裁判 发表时间:2011-6-7 20:27:06

to Aivo:

“零迟到”maybe we can call it "Zero late" it means: When the main referee tell the player game is start, the player mast stay on there seat if not his game is lost.

and from 2011.5.1 the chinese government requires smoking is forbidden in all public places ! So in our game ,all people either the players or the referees and other peoples who are in the Competition area,have to observe this rules

[此帖子已被 我是裁判 在 2011-6-7 20:29:12 编辑过]

[ 掌棋宣传员 于 2011-6-7 21:01:09 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]

[ 掌棋宣传员 于 2011-6-7 21:01:10 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]

[ 掌棋宣传员 于 2011-6-7 21:01:11 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]

[ 欧艾沃 于 2011-6-7 21:17:24 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]

#10 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-6-7 21:28:17


#11 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:屏蔽 发表时间:2011-6-7 21:56:57

It's not our style... It is different, not only in the match, but also in the culture.

Actually, I think these strict rule is good, which makes the match solemn.

#12 Re:Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:失落刀 发表时间:2011-6-7 22:29:26

原文由 欧艾沃 发表于 2011-6-7 21:28:17 :


#13 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-6-7 22:31:45


#14 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-6-7 22:34:50

呵呵, 任何东西传到中国后, 都会被进化地

it says, it's my place, i make the call.

[此帖子已被 踵酃 在 2011-6-7 22:35:45 编辑过]

#15 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-6-7 23:05:20


#16 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:孤竹 发表时间:2011-6-7 23:21:47



#17 Re:Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:屏蔽 发表时间:2011-6-7 23:24:14

原文由 欧艾沃 发表于 2011-6-7 22:31:45 :

Actually... all of the most important tournaments in China are not organized by RIFCHINA.

原文由 欧艾沃 发表于 2011-6-7 23:05:20 :

Haha... Answering a call of nature is permitted of course.

Surely your view is right. When I playedin TWC last year, I would never say, "Hey! You! Sit down or I'll call the referee!" because of the respect to international tradition. Correspondingly, the match in China should obey the rules in this country, naturally. People won't let you walk free in the room, even you are a foreigner and have your own habits. You knew it, right?

#18 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-6-7 23:38:16


#19 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:孤竹 发表时间:2011-6-7 23:59:21


#20 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:我是裁判 发表时间:2011-6-8 9:09:08

TO Aivo:

Do you know ,in 2008 there are a big games in China for mind sport named WMSG
word mind sports games)。More than 4000 playersfrom 170 countrys come to China.In this games there are 5 items ChessDraughts,Bridge,Go,Chinese chess.All this games are the mumbers of theInternational Olympic Committee (IOC)or International Sports Federations (ISFor Word Mind Sport Association.

In the WMSG in 2008 smoking is forbiddin inall items .And I also tell you that from 2011.5.1 the chinesegovernment requires smoking is forbidden in all public places ! So in ourgame ,all people either the players or the referees and other peopleswho are in the Competition area,have to observe this rules.

Just as you said ,when the player isplaying he (or she) shoud not to move expect to WC or take water or have a rest.Because in chinese games there so many players(the biggest game is more than170 players) ,if all players walk around the other player,it will interference to others .And in chinese renju rules player mustleave the seat by the referees agreed .Maybe it is different with RIF rules , butI think the chinese rules is good because in the games of the playera task is to get their own game not others,if theywant to know other games they may look for the notion after their gamefinished.

#21 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:灯塔连珠 发表时间:2011-6-8 15:43:32


#22 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-6-9 3:15:15

Yes, of course I know about the 2008 Mind Sport Games. I had also heard that there was a rule that being late means an automatic loss (I think this is a good rule). However, that already in 2008 smoking was not allowed, I am quite surprised. I can understand it now since the new law was accepted in China. Anyway, where can people smoke then? Next year, the Team World Championship will be held in China, Beijing. I am not sure about the exact location of the tournament hall but let just say that the tournament will be held in a hotel. Are there any places in hotels where smoking is allowed? I am asking because even in such a small case, it is good to know the situation beforehand. For example, how am I supposed to tell Nakamura that he cannot smoke during the game, after the game etc. because it is prohibited.

#23 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-6-9 5:08:08

oh, Avio, i just figure out you actually concern about the smoking policy

Don't you not worry about it! it's in china, the law is there, it just hang on the wall.

let me give you a piece advice, just pretent you don't know about it, foreigners are allowing to play the trick.

play smart, the problem is not the law, it's the people who enforce the law, pay them little tips if you like.  

I will not take any responsibilities of what i said above.

#24 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:海月 发表时间:2011-6-9 11:25:29


#25 Re:Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:松痕 发表时间:2011-6-9 11:41:27

原文由 海月 发表于 2011-6-9 11:25:29 :
can anyone explain them?

#26 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-6-9 11:56:27

5000论坛金币翻译费用, 先过3000金币, 要是满意翻译成果在付清余下。

#27 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:我就不信注册不上 发表时间:2011-6-9 12:11:32





#28 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:我就不信注册不上 发表时间:2011-6-9 12:12:08


#29 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:我就不信注册不上 发表时间:2011-6-9 12:12:43






#30 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:我就不信注册不上 发表时间:2011-6-9 12:13:29


#31 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-6-9 12:21:35

一分钱一分货, 嘿嘿

#32 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:我是裁判 发表时间:2011-6-9 12:33:45


#33 Re:Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:屏蔽 发表时间:2011-6-9 19:36:15

原文由 欧艾沃 发表于 2011-6-9 3:15:15 :
   Yes, of course I know about the 2008 Mind Sport Games. I had also heard that there was a rule that being late means an automatic loss (I think this is a good rule). However, that already in 2008 smoking was not allowed, I am quite surprised. I can understand it now since the new law was accepted in China. Anyway, where can people smoke then? Next year, the Team World Championship will be held in China, Beijing. I am not sure about the exact location of the tournament hall but let just say that the tournament will be held in a hotel. Are there any places in hotels where smoking is allowed? I am asking because even in such a small case, it is good to know the situation beforehand. For example, how am I supposed to tell Nakamura that he cannot smoke during the game, after the game etc. because it is prohibited.

A room for smoking is easily set. You are just not allowed to smoke near the board.

#34 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:柔柔春风醉 发表时间:2011-7-4 13:08:49


#35 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:小小亦默 发表时间:2011-7-26 1:04:59

为这事纠结  纠结

#36 Re:2011年全国五子棋公开赛分析 作者:非黑既白 发表时间:2011-7-26 9:04:47
