Let me blessing this subforum
#1 Let me blessing this subforum 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-8-9 9:51:21
In ordor to have a communication in this subforum, I have being learning basic English letely, and here i am.
It means if i can do it, you can do it! ( cheer up + renju fans ) YES, WE CAN! : )
I am sore of looking forward more discussions in this subforum which i believe it's hard to accomplish.
Therefore, as a pessimist, let me blessing this subforum be able living longer than a week.
[ 屏蔽 于 2011-8-9 10:15:19 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]
#2 Re:Let me blessing this subforum 作者:三国老凯 发表时间:2011-8-9 9:53:27

#3 Re:Let me blessing this subforum 作者:小丸.net 发表时间:2011-8-9 9:59:25
I thing We can.#4 Re:Let me blessing this subforum 作者:第五象限 发表时间:2011-8-9 10:09:06
longer than a week...
#5 Re:Let me blessing this subforum 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-8-9 10:10:25

#6 Re:Let me blessing this subforum 作者:松痕 发表时间:2011-8-9 11:10:46
YES。2long#7 Re:Let me blessing this subforum 作者:小元 发表时间:2011-8-9 12:13:45

#8 Re:Let me blessing this subforum 作者:aabb 发表时间:2011-8-9 22:37:33
Call Aivo and 中山。。
#9 Re:Let me blessing this subforum 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-8-12 20:28:02
I am here. I think the main idea would be that Chinese people would make the topics that they want to discuss on an international level (let say that there is one person who will be responsible for translating the opinions of the most important players) and we will try to respond (we= me and people I can find to join these discussions).[ 踵酃 于 2011-8-12 21:20:55 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]
#10 Re:Let me blessing this subforum 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-8-12 21:27:00
Brilliant, bring more your people over.
#11 Re:Let me blessing this subforum 作者:安室美惠子 发表时间:2013-6-11 1:48:31
so many grammar mistakes~[ 屏蔽 于 2013-6-11 2:11:31 时奖励此帖[金币加 100 威望0+1]
[此帖子已被 屏蔽 在 2013-6-11 2:11:41 编辑过]
#12 Re:Let me blessing this subforum 作者:南京小飞机 发表时间:2013-6-11 2:18:32
need just world ,world has world.