Comment on Dai Xiaohan(B) vs. Vladimir Sushkov(W)
#1 Comment on Dai Xiaohan(B) vs. Vladimir Sushkov(W) 作者:舍露里 发表时间:2011-8-13 15:49:02
Round 9, AT, WC
Dai Xiaohan(B) vs. Vladimire Sushkov(W) Black wins
Original: ShowPost.asp?ThreadID=14808
I2 is the most common opening in this WT. I2 is generally balanced under Yamaguchi Rule. The variants are many and complicated. The number of 5's alternatives are 6 to 8, most common 7.
Sushkov leaves this 5. At the first glance, 5 doesn't make a 2, and only limits 2-4 to a certain extent. However, 5 prepares to accumulate black's strength. Once black takes initiative, 5 would help black to be at great advantage. As popular saying goes, "2" is essential at the beginning. White starts to make twos. Seeing 6, my first thought was to respond at H10 to block the current two and to interfere the future ones. Below is the analyse on 7-H10. You can see that black cannot be much stretched.
Here goes the real game. Dai's 7 cast mine into the shade immediately. Renju emphasises on efficiency. 7-G10 connects 3 and 5, and develops 5. If 8 and 10 play like this, 11 can also make a three in return.
In the real game, 7 determines the victory of black. Black and white both attack feriously. After 12, black gets the initiative and makes VCT on the left side until 27. 27 is a skillful move.
In my opinion, the cause of white's failure is the neglect of the 7. It confirms that the opening is the root of a game.
[此帖子已被 舍露里 在 2011-8-13 15:53:13 编辑过]
[ 梧桐风 于 2011-8-13 23:32:41 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]
[ 屏蔽 于 2011-8-14
#2 Re:Comment on Dai Xiaohan(B) vs. Vladimire Sushkov(W) 作者:梧桐风 发表时间:2011-8-13 23:51:44
You are working hard~#3 Re:Comment on Dai Xiaohan(B) vs. Vladimire Sushkov(W) 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-8-14 3:54:29
Very strange comment, first of all, this opening is I2 and not D2. Secondly, there is no way to balance this opening. If one opens it with 7 5th moves, it is better for black no matter which 4th move white plays. If one opens it with 8 5th moves then in case of 4 -H10 it is white advantage. Sushkov trusted another Russian player who had told him that in I2 black has no win in this variant. Very stupid. He could have just asked me and avoid an embarrassing loss.[ 踵酃 于 2011-8-15 10:23:32 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]
#4 Re:Re:Comment on Dai Xiaohan(B) vs. Vladimire Sushkov(W) 作者:松痕 发表时间:2011-8-14 21:19:46
原文由 欧艾沃 发表于 2011-8-14 3:54:29 :
Very strange comment, first of all, this opening is I2 and not D2. Secondly, there is no way to balance this opening. If one opens it with 7 5th moves, it is better for black no matter which 4th move white plays. If one opens it with 8 5th moves then in case of 4 -H10 it is white advantage. Sushkov trusted another Russian player who had told him that in I2 black has no win in this variant. Very stupid. He could have just asked me and avoid an embarrassing loss.
i have no money to buy an egg for you think ,you are the best renju player?why not write some comment,let us cc.
#5 Re:Comment on Dai Xiaohan(B) vs. Vladimir Sushkov(W) 作者:舍露里 发表时间:2011-8-14 21:40:58
Sorry for my fault. The opening is I2. The original writer was right. Thank you for correction.
As for the technical issues, discussion is very welcome.
#6 Re:Comment on Dai Xiaohan(B) vs. Vladimir Sushkov(W) 作者:白河愁 发表时间:2011-8-14 21:49:19
Aivo's comment is totally right, don't be offensive.#7 Re:Comment on Dai Xiaohan(B) vs. Vladimir Sushkov(W) 作者:白河愁 发表时间:2011-8-14 21:51:30
btw, the name is Vladimir instead of Vladimire.#8 Re:Comment on Dai Xiaohan(B) vs. Vladimir Sushkov(W) 作者:舍露里 发表时间:2011-8-14 21:52:47
Yes, I corrected it... I'm just used to typing mire...[此帖子已被 舍露里 在 2011-8-14 21:55:35 编辑过]
#9 Re:Comment on Dai Xiaohan(B) vs. Vladimir Sushkov(W) 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-8-15 1:00:28
I will write comments for "Renju World" after I have made full analyzes of my games. By the way, I just comment on things in the way I see it. For me, that was a bad game by Sushkov since he did not know that the variant was black sure win. So, Dai had a very easy game, not much to comment about. I think it was an embarrassing loss to Sushkov because he himself was the one who found this 7th move and used it already in last TWC. I think it has nothing to do with how strong of a player I am. Sushkov is without the doubt one of the best players in the world, I was just expecting a better performance from the world champion, you know.