Ants will be back!
#1 Ants will be back! 作者:舍露里 发表时间:2011-8-15 18:49:15
I haven't heard about Ants since he left WC grievingly. Last night, I suddenly saw Ants log onto MSN. I couldn't wait to greet him because I missed him very much.
Ants told me that he felt extremely exhausted after three days of competition with three games a day.
"I'm really tired. I need to rest."
"Will you still take part in tournaments?"
"Yes", said Ants, "I'll take Estonian friends to China next year for TWC. Chinese people are very hospitable. I like them. I'll do my best in TWC. And I also decided to play in the next WC."
"WC shortened the distance among players from different countries.We opened an English subfrom of International Exchange in IWZQ. We hope you will visit it some day. You old friend Jiabei will assist you."
"Thank you. I will." said Ants.
It was 0 o'clock then. I was very tire. So I went to bed.
[ 屏蔽 于 2011-8-15 19:44:52 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]
[此帖子已被 舍露里 在 2011-8-15 23:00:31 编辑过]
#2 Re:Ants will be back! 作者:舍露里 发表时间:2011-8-15 18:54:36
Ants is a very nice and respectable person. He is often overburdened.
I miss him too. I hope he can be happy every day. I also hope to see him in China next year.
#3 Re:Ants will be back! 作者:岳麓小棋后 发表时间:2011-8-15 19:54:11
He will be back with his love!#4 Re:Ants will be back! 作者:松痕 发表时间:2011-8-15 20:10:43
the work is too laborious,if you will translate all the news and renju comment or not? manyuniversitysitesin addition toChinese,there areEnglish,howdotheygetit, we canlearnabout。#5 Re:Ants will be back! 作者:舍露里 发表时间:2011-8-15 20:44:48
Translation IS laborious.
manyuniversitysitesin addition toChinese,there areEnglish,howdotheygetit-------Somebody translated. I once participated.
In my plan, translation is just a start point of this sub-forum. If you want to attract foreign players, you should first present something to attract.(This process might be long and laborious.) But, I'd more like to see people open topics and discuss here.
#6 Re:Ants will be back! 作者:絕版賭徒 发表时间:2011-8-15 20:46:34
这是搞什么,几个中国人在这说英文,能不能附带中文,这是爱网平台与国际棋友的交流平台,,,,,,,,,,,,,而不是局部对话~![此帖子已被 絕版賭徒 在 2011-8-15 20:46:50 编辑过]
#7 Re:Ants will be back! 作者:高飞 发表时间:2011-8-15 22:27:23

[ 踵酃 于 2011-8-15 22:33:07 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]
[ 舍露里 于 2011-8-15 23:00:47 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]
#8 Re:Ants will be back! 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-8-15 22:43:21
apparently, we need the translators.
It is inconvenience
#9 Re:Ants will be back! 作者:小元 发表时间:2011-8-16 12:08:02