Renju AT 2011
#1 Renju AT 2011 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-8-31 21:07:04
Cao Dong, Huang Jinxian and Dai Xiaohan from China
Lin Huang-Yu and Hou I-Cheng from Chinese-Taipei
Vladimir Sushkov and Sergey Artemyev from Russia
Tunnet Taimla and Aivo Oll from Estonia
Okabe Hiroshi and Oosumi Yuuki from Japan
Tord Andersson from Sweden
From thestart, it was clear that this tournament was going to be very strong. The mainfavorites were Sushkov, Taimla and Cao, just because they were top 3 the lasttime. Of course, other players also had big ambitions to get a good result butthey had to prove what they are capable of behind the board. The maindifference between this time and last time was that the theory of Yamaguchirule had developed a lot. Most of the players’ theoretical preparation rangedfrom good to very good. In 2009, it ranged from bad to very bad. So, one couldnot expect to get a lot of easy points thanks to good theory knowledge but hadto be prepared for long and intense games. Secondly, you could see a big powershift coming: it was the first time there were more Asian players than Europeanplayers in AT! The signs were there already in 2009 when it was 6 vs 6 butEuropean players still managed to take the top 2 places. Also, one needs totake into consideration that in 2009, Cao Dong’s and Wu Di’s preparation waszero-like but they still managed to get a good result (all 3 games that Wu Dilost, he had a win). The fact that he could not come this time did not make thetournament a lot weaker since his good friend Dai was able to come. In recentyears, if you look at the results of Chinese tournaments, he has been withoutthe doubt the best player in China. Instead of Nakamura, Japan had Oosumi, whoas a meijin, definitely wanted to show his power. Well, so much for the synopsis.Now, on to the tournament. I wonder how it was going to turn out to be this time.
First, a little bit of stati
#2 Re:Renju AT 2011 作者:掌棋宣传员 发表时间:2011-8-31 21:08:39

#3 Re:Renju AT 2011 作者:黄药师 发表时间:2011-8-31 21:50:02
#4 Re:Renju AT 2011 作者:第五象限 发表时间:2011-8-31 22:38:52
I4 wasplayed quite a lot but this time, it was not even used once!不仅在世锦赛 就连论坛战中水月开局也似乎消失了。。。水月是怎么个结论呢?#5 Re:Renju AT 2011 作者:第五象限 发表时间:2011-8-31 23:05:07
Sorry,I should use English here. What is the conclusion about I4?Why was it not even used once?
#6 Re:Renju AT 2011 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-9-1 0:48:41
What can i say, gentlemen. I like statistics
#7 Re:Renju AT 2011 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-9-1 4:49:54
I4 - with 5 it is too strong for black (probably even sure win), with 6 it is white advantage.[ 第五象限 于 2011-9-1 10:02:30 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]
#8 Re:Renju AT 2011 作者:炫飞冰弦 发表时间:2011-9-1 7:03:04

#9 Re:Renju AT 2011 作者:棋语 发表时间:2011-9-1 7:28:41
wonderful analyse
#10 Re:Renju AT 2011 作者:小元 发表时间:2011-9-1 11:28:48
此帖被屏蔽 屏蔽于 2011-9-1 13:19:18