Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world
#1 Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-9-2 4:11:45
My top 5:[ 屏蔽 于 2011-9-3 8:51:18 时花20金币送鲜花一朵]
#2 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-9-2 6:00:17
3 of 5 players on your list are Chinese. That’s impressive.
Frankly, I think Dai shouldn’t be on the list of top 5 renju players in the world. (not right now) He is not a world champion yet.
Believe or not, this is matter.
Check out the other four players on your list, they all got it before.
#3 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:棋语 发表时间:2011-9-2 7:47:45
What about Ando?#4 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-9-2 8:01:56
Ando was the best renju player,(3 world championships) but we're talking about the activated players.
#5 Re:Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:屏蔽 发表时间:2011-9-2 8:09:59
原文由 踵酃 发表于 2011-9-2 8:01:56 :Ando was the best renju player,(3 world championships) but we're talking about the activated players.
Four times actually.
I still hope he will be back sometime later.
#6 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:我是裁判 发表时间:2011-9-2 8:42:29
many years later when the chinese players talk about who is the strongest player in the world ,more of us will think is NAKAMURA or Ando ,and the player in other country didn`t know any chinese players but now more and more players know that the best players is in China .and the most important is not only one player ,it is a group !#7 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-9-2 8:45:52
Mr.Cao is capable to stand on the top 5, i think he deserve it after what he had done in AT tournament few weeks ago.
Mr.Wu is a powerful, strong renju player, when i say that it's not just on mentally also his physical appearance. The most important thing is he is a man with his words. Not to mention he had a championship before.
I am not saying that Dai is not able to compete with these two players above, perhaps Dai just need more experience.
To Dai's fans, Dai is one of my favorite renju players, and we're from same province in China, there is nothing personal against him.
[此帖子已被 踵酃 在 2011-9-2 8:49:15 编辑过]
[此帖子已被 踵酃 在 2011-9-2 9:16:51 编辑过]
#8 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:踵酃 发表时间:2011-9-2 9:06:42
Floor six, did you mean " Many years ago" ?
Thanks Arbise, four actually.
I think Arbise has great potential to be the next world champian.
Actualy there are a lot of young players in China have same strenghth as Arbise.
As I know: nickname (Big head, Marcao, Hong Kong)
Top 5 Young, Strength, Potential Renju Players In China. ( under age 30 )
1. Dai
2. Huang
3. Li
4. Wei
5. Qi
[此帖子已被 踵酃 在 2011-9-2 9:14:18 编辑过]
#9 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:潇洒 发表时间:2011-9-2 10:55:47
haha, Wu Di is RIF rule world champion.
Cao Dong is Yamaguchi rule world champion.
#10 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:小元 发表时间:2011-9-2 11:28:13
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#11 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:欧艾沃 发表时间:2011-9-2 13:38:37
Definitely, World Champion title matters. Still, Dai just did not have a chance to participate before (he wanted to in 2009 but you all know what happened...). Also, it does not really matter if it is RIF or Yamaguchi rules since both of these rules suck (Taraguchi-10 is the best of the current certified rules atm, at least for live play, unfortunately, there is not a single place where you can play with it (well, it is almost the same as Soosyrv-10, which is such a wonderful rule, too! Freedom (T-10, S-10) vs imprisonment (old RIF, Yamaguchi) ), I will try to tell the renjuoffline owner to put it there). If you count Dai's titles, it more than enough compensates for the lacking world champion title, at least in my opinion. About Ando: he will come back to Estonia next summer and he said that maybe, maybe, he will start to think about playing a little. About Chingin: he actually came to watch AT for 1 day, later, me, Tunnet, Sushkov and him went to have a dinner together, it was really nice to see him once again after 3 years, unfortunately, he said that he has no plans, at least right now (he could easily take part in tournaments since he is working in Stockholm as a scientist), to join a tournament, still, he said he might give the local renju club a visit. About Nakamura: he promised me that he will come to TWC in Beijing (well, he was quite drunk when he made the promise), to see his good friend Cao Dong. I hope he his the kind of man who keeps his promises! Actually, it is hard to define young, I think I am not young anymore, also, I cannot take part in any youth renju tournaments (for example, Huang Jinxian and Li Yi could still take part in next year's Youth World Championship in Russia, Suzdal).#12 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:第五象限 发表时间:2011-9-2 19:01:53
About Nakamura: he promised me that he will come to TWC in Beijing (well, he was quite drunk when he made the promise)
#13 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:音飘扬 发表时间:2012-9-28 8:37:16
your comments about nakamura shigeru seems so interesting.renju is the 6 th place in his life ,the others are wemen,hot springs ,gambling . this sounds so cool .
i hope someone could tell me more about that
#14 Re:Discussion - Top 5 renju players in the world 作者:掌棋宣传员 发表时间:2012-9-30 7:45:47