so cold here…
#1 so cold here… 作者:安室美惠子 发表时间:2013-6-14 8:10:26
I like this board, but why nobody comes?#2 Re:so cold here… 作者:漁民 发表时间:2013-6-14 8:59:21

#3 Re:so cold here… 作者:小丸.net 发表时间:2013-6-14 10:47:34
#4 Re:so cold here… 作者:自来水 发表时间:2013-6-14 11:58:07
As you see, many of us maybe good at playing renju but poor at chatting online in English.
P.S. the 3rd floor suggested that you could make a self-introduction briefly just to break the ice ~~~
( any grammar mistakes ╮(╯▽╰)╭)
[此帖子已被 自来水 在 2013-6-14 12:04:49 编辑过]
#5 Re:so cold here… 作者:安室美惠子 发表时间:2013-6-14 12:04:10
Well, I'm a noob.I'm good at chatting online in English, but weak in playing renju.I admire you guys so much!#6 Re:so cold here… 作者:自来水 发表时间:2013-6-14 12:33:18
That's OK.Actually, I'm just an Amateur ,too.~
#7 Re:so cold here… 作者:小小亦默 发表时间:2013-6-14 14:52:09
i'm here