

#1 KPL游戏示例讲解[五子棋] 作者:有志青年 发表时间:2007-4-24 9:43:06

位置:KPL Programs的Games下




       Board = CreateBoard()

    Structure GameBoard
       X         As Int  //棋盘座标
       Y         As Int
       CellWidth   As Int //格子宽度
       CellHeight  As Int    //格子高度
       Size   As Int         //棋盘大小,纵横19(本例)
       Positions   As Int[]  //可变数组
End Structure

    Function CreateBoard() As GameBoard

       Define Board As GameBoard
       Define Positions As Int[ BoardSize * BoardSize ] //动态定义数组大小,本例为19×19

       Board.X = 10
       Board.Y = 10
       Board.CellWidth = 20
       Board.CellHeight = 20
       Board.Size = BoardSize
       Board.Positions = Positions

       Return Board

End Function

#2 Re:KPL游戏示例讲解[五子棋] 作者:有志青年 发表时间:2007-4-24 9:44:29

    Method DrawBoard()

       Define I As Int

       Define Width As Int = (Board.Size - 1) * Board.CellWidth
       Define Height As Int = (Board.Size - 1) * Board.CellHeight

       ClearRectRGB( Board.X, Board.Y, Height, Width, 220, 220, 0 )
Color( Black )

       For I = 0 To Board.Size - 1
           Pen( False )
           MoveTo( Board.X, Board.Y + Board.CellHeight * I )
           Pen( True )
           MoveBy( Width, 0 )
       For I = 0 To Board.Size - 1
           Pen( False )
           MoveTo( Board.X + Board.CellWidth * I, Board.Y )
           Pen( True )
           MoveBy( 0, Height )

End Method

SetMouseEvent( "OnMouseEvent" )


    Method OnMouseEvent( EventName As String, X As Int, Y As Int, Button As Int )
       HideSprite( "Cursor" )
       If IsGameOver Or CurrentPlayer  1 Then
       End If

       Define Offset As Int = Board.CellWidth / 2

       Define CellX As Int = (X + Offset - Board.X) / Board.CellWidth + 1
       Define CellY As Int = (Y + Offset - Board.Y) / Board.CellHeight + 1

#3 Re:KPL游戏示例讲解[五子棋] 作者:有志青年 发表时间:2007-4-24 9:44:57

       If Not IsValidPosition( CellX, CellY ) Then
       End If
       MoveSpriteToPoint( "Cursor", (CellX - 1)* Board.CellWidth, (CellY - 1) * Board.CellHeight )
       ShowSprite( "Cursor" )
       If EventName  "ButtonDown" Then
           Status( "Mouse is over cell " + CellX + ", " + CellY )
       End If
       If GetPlayerAt( CellX, CellY )  0 Then
           PlaySound( "chord" )
       End If
       MakeMove( CellX, CellY )

       If IsGameOver  True Then
       End If

    End Method

(3)   简单的五子棋规则判断就是“米”字型检查,这个规则比较简单,你可以自己定义一些禁忌,增加游戏的乐趣:

    Function CheckForGameOver( x As Int, y As Int ) As Bool

       Define Player As Int = GetPlayerAt( x, y )
       If Player = 0 Then
           Return False
       End If

       Define LineCount As Int

       // 检查左上角到右下角
       LineCount = GetLineCount( x, y, -1, -1 ) + GetLineCount( x, y, 1, 1 ) + 1
       If LineCount >= 5 Then
           DrawWinningLine( x, y, -1, -1 )
           Return True
       End If

       LineCount = GetLineCount( x, y, -1, 0 ) + GetLineCount( x, y, 1, 0 ) + 1
       If LineCount

#4 Re:KPL游戏示例讲解[五子棋] 作者:有志青年 发表时间:2007-4-24 9:45:17

       LineCount = GetLineCount( x, y, -1, 0 ) + GetLineCount( x, y, 1, 0 ) + 1
       If LineCount >= 5 Then
           DrawWinningLine( x, y, -1, 0 )
           Return True
       End If

       // 检查从上到下
       LineCount = GetLineCount( x, y, 0, -1 ) + GetLineCount( x, y, 0, 1 ) + 1
       If LineCount >= 5 Then
           DrawWinningLine( x, y, 0, -1 )
           Return True
       End If

       // 检查从左下到右上
       LineCount = GetLineCount( x, y, -1, 1 ) + GetLineCount( x, y, 1, -1 ) + 1
       If LineCount >= 5 Then
           DrawWinningLine( x, y, -1, 1 )
           Return True
       End If

       Return False

End Function
(4)   电脑找到最容易连线的位置,并自动下棋:

    Method MakeComputerMove()

       If Not LastMoveX = -1 Then
           DrawPlayer( LastMoveX, LastMoveY, 2 )
       End If

       Define X As Int
       Define Y As Int

       Define Score As Int = 0
       Define MaxScore As Int = 0
       Define MaxScoreX As Int
       Define MaxScoreY As Int

       Status( "The computer is thinking of the next move" )
       For Y = MinY To MaxY

           For X = MinX To MaxX

              If IsValidPosition( X, Y ) And GetPlayerAt( x, y ) = 0 Then

                  Score = GetScoreForPosition( X, Y, 2 )
                  Score = Score

#5 Re:KPL游戏示例讲解[五子棋] 作者:有志青年 发表时间:2007-4-24 9:45:37

       For Y = MinY To MaxY

           For X = MinX To MaxX

              If IsValidPosition( X, Y ) And GetPlayerAt( x, y ) = 0 Then

                  Score = GetScoreForPosition( X, Y, 2 )
                  Score = Score + GetScoreForPosition( X, Y, 1 )
                  If Score >= MaxScore Then
                     MaxScore = Score
                     MaxScoreX = X
                     MaxScoreY = Y
                  End If

              End If



       MakeMove( MaxScoreX, MaxScoreY )

End Method
(5)   在程序中:

