Where is the white mistake?
#1 Where is the white mistake? 作者:賢周 发表时间:2009-3-11 22:00:17
strong 33.
#2 Re:Where is the white mistake? 作者:wrwak 发表时间:2009-3-11 22:08:52
“34” instead of “35” 你是中国人吗
36 换 37位置不知道能杀吗
#3 Re:Where is the white mistake? 作者:刀魂 发表时间:2009-3-11 22:44:03
呵呵,本网站 连韩国人都有啦,看样子 www.iwzq.com 可以走向世界啦#4 Re:Where is the white mistake? 作者:wrwak 发表时间:2009-3-11 22:46:02
难怪每次都只看到棋谱没看说话#5 Re:Where is the white mistake? 作者:冷面孤煞 发表时间:2009-3-13 21:37:47

#6 Re:Where is the white mistake? 作者:wd1988 发表时间:2009-3-16 9:05:43
楼上的理解能力有问题。。。失落刀在解释賢周是韩国人啊。。。后面那个失落刀是署名。。。#7 Re:Where is the white mistake? 作者:裁决殿雪月 发表时间:2009-3-17 23:11:15